33A Behind Queen's Center Queen's Road Lahore


Benefits With Our Service

We will discuss your options and examine different web design frameworks and WordPress themes. You will receive a spec sheet from us which will contain the domain and hosting company information, WordPress plugins that we plan to use, project scope, and the work schedule. You will also need to have your content completed and ready to give to us before moving forward.

Web Infrastructure & Maintenance

The goal of web infrastructure and maintenance services is to make sure that websites and web apps function quickly, safely, and effectively. Server configuration, application performance, data backups, security upgrades, and bug repairs are a few examples of these services.

We offer 3 comprehensive WordPress Web Design Packages. Please see the pricing chart below for your options. Each package includes:

-High-End Responsive Web Design
-Website Security, Firewall, and Malware Scanning
-Website Backup
-Website Caching
-Performance Optimization
-SEO Friendly Website
-WordPress One-on-One Training